Tag: reading

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Scientists pinpoint a natural compound that could work as an anti aging cure

Scientists pinpoint a natural compound that could work as an anti aging cure

There is no shortage of scientists constantly making thorough research in the field of anti-aging and searching for the key mechanisms behind...
Monsanto is found guilty for poisoning farmer's health

Monsanto is found guilty for poisoning farmer’s health

US biotech giant Monsanto is legally responsible for the ill health of a farmer who ingested its weedkiller product, a French court...

Deutsche Bahn to offer coffee in porcelain cups and vegan menus

Germany's national railroad, Deutsche Bahn AG, is accelerating the pace of its environmental transformation. The most recent move toward going "green" is...

Marie Kondo, “Queen of Clean” has a messy home

Marie Kondo, the Japanese organising consultant and author that inspired many people around the world to organise and declutter their homes, has...
The Trade War Between China and US Is Impacting Businesses

The Trade War Between China and the United States Is Impacting Businesses

Business leaders everywhere are generally worried by trade conflicts, but the ones from China and the United States are particularly concerned about...