Author’s Page

I’m Herald works with professional journalists to publish news and informative contents on the website. Through this effort, we can ensure that all materials posted on the site are credible and possess a significant amount of authority over the topics being discussed. For inquiries about our contributors, you can contact them directly via the details provided below or using our site’s contact form.


Carmen Wells (15)
Top of SpaceX Starship MK-1 Bursts Off during Pressurized Testing in Texas

I'm a lifestyle and health journalist with years of experience in the online news industry. I've been contributing news to various news publications since 2013. I've tackled a wide array of topics and have dedicated to investigative efforts to address the public's hunger for accurate information.

Email: [email protected] | Phone: +44 1213 680730

Cathy Garrett (42)
Greece tops travel preferences of French and Israeli tourists

Hi, I'm Cathy. I've been dedicating myself to free and unbias news reporting since 2010. My primary goal in joining I'm Herald is not only to inform but also educate readers about the current status quo in various industries. I'm here to provide them with the information they seek.

Email: [email protected] | Phone: +44 1213 680022

Lucille Butler (43)
Beyond Meat Inc. impacted by market competition

I'm a professional journalist covering local and global events. I tolerate diversity when it comes to reporting news. It is essential for me to explore different sectors to keep my readers posted with all happenings 24/7. Catch my opinion-based contents only here in I'm Herald.

Email: [email protected] | Phone: +44 1213 680666

Rene Fernandez (32)
Whirlpool washing machine danger revealed as recall launched

Hi, I'm Rene, a journalist, an entrepreneur, and a father of two. I've been working as an analyst for small and private publication companies like Daily Mail. I've produced trending videos and other informative pieces that aim to provide in-depth understanding among readers.

Email: [email protected] | Phone: +44 1213 681010

Stella Byrd (30)
What’s there to expect from Harvey Weinstein’s sex assault trial?

I'm Stella. I've been an online journalist for more than five years and have tackled numerous headlines and provided significant contributions via detailed and well-researched journalistic views. Aside from I'm Herald, I also contribute to different news publications and offer other online services for small-time and private clients.

Email: [email protected] | Phone: +44 1213 681020