Tag: poison

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Apple Has Just Released Their Best Product in the past Years

Apple Has Just Released Their Best Product in the past Years

The new Apple AirPods Pro sound so pristine that they’re going to put every other head phones to shame.

Apple sued over AirTag stalking

Apple's tracking device, AirTag, has been maliciously used by individuals for unwanted stalking, harassment, robbery, and other crimes. Two women have sued...
Apple announces Apple TV Plus video subscription service to rival Netflix and Amazon

Apple announces Apple TV Plus video subscription service to rival Netflix and Amazon

Apple TV Plus launches in over 100 countries this fall and employees say it’s bound to become the future Netflix killer. So...

Belgian city rewards youngsters who come sober to parties

Authorities from a small town in Belgium called Balen, invented the "Sobercoin", a way of rewarding those who arrive at parties sober,...

Tuvalu is uploading itself to the Metaverse

Tuvalu, one of the smallest countries in the world, is turning to the Metaverse to preserve its culture. With climate change threatening...