Cathy Garrett

Hi, I'm Cathy. I've been dedicating myself to free and unbias news reporting since 2010. My primary goal in joining I'm Herald is not only to inform but also educate readers about the current status quo in various industries. I'm here to provide them with the information they seek.

Recent Posts

China’s population is declining for the first time in 60 years

China is the most populous country in the world, with a population of over 1.41 billion people as of 2022. The National...
Smart Kalasatama, Finland’s Future Smart City That Values Its Citizens The Most

Smart Kalasatama, Finland’s Future Smart City That Values Its Citizens The Most

When people hear of urban transformations and technological advanced cities they think of high-rise mega cities like Shanghai, Dubai, San Francisco, Hong...

Saudi Arabia unveils “a gateway to another world”

After Saudi Arabia has unveiled plans for a futuristic city called NEOM, envisioned as a hub for innovation, technology, and sustainability, with...
India risks losing its fastest growing economy to China

India risks losing its fastest growing economy to China

GDP climbed 5.8% in the past quarter, putting it behind China’s 6.4% growth India’s gross-domestic-product expansion dipped below 6%...
Facebook copied email contacts of 1.5 million users

Facebook copied email contacts of 1.5 million users

Facebook "unintentionally" uploaded the email contacts of more than 1.5 million users without asking permission to do so, the social network has...