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Apple Has Just Released Their Best Product in the past Years

Apple Has Just Released Their Best Product in the past Years

The new Apple AirPods Pro sound so pristine that they’re going to put every other head phones to shame.
Boeing, new plane design, transonic wing design, NASA

Boeing Unveiled Its Radical New “Transonic” Wing Design

The company has unveiled a new version of a plane that promises to be capable of taking people on longer flights in...
Tropical Storm Pabuk Hits Thailand Stranding Thousands of People

Tropical Storm Pabuk Hits Thailand Stranding Thousands of People

Authorities have warned people two days ago about the Pabuk storm that was about to hit Thailand’s islands, then they went on...
Elizabeth Warren college plan solves a long running progressive problem

Elizabeth Warren college plan solves a long running progressive problem

The progressive thinkers often find themselves wondering and debating whether universal or targeted policies are best suited to create a more equal...
US students continue to fall behind their pees in Europe and East Asia in reading, maths and science

US students continue to fall behind their pees in Europe and East Asia in...

Global test results released Tuesday evaluating 15-year-olds’ academic performance in reading, math, and science again showed American students lagging behind their counterparts...