Tag: colors

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Nature's way of relaxing body to boost overall performance

Scientists Explain The Power Of Nature In Reducing Stress And Boosting Work Performance

Medication and other methods to lower stress levels exist in the market. However, researchers recommend going outdoors and exploring nature as another way to...
David Koch, billionaire conservative activist and philanthropist, dies at 79

David Koch, billionaire conservative activist and philanthropist, dies at 79

Conservative billionaire David Koch, who became a household name through the policy and political empire he created with his older brother, Charles,...
Algerian leader resigns turning protests into joyous celebrations

Algerian leader resigns turning protests into joyous celebrations

Algeria's President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has resigned after weeks of massive streets protests and prompts jubilation in Algiers. Still, many consider that the...

Green FinTech plants trees as you spend

Every time one wants to get a bank card different advantages, rewards, money-back and so on are offered. A green fintech company...
Big Pharma stands to lose 18.5 Billion dollars if medical marijuana were to be legalized

Big Pharma stands to lose 18.5 Billion dollars if medical marijuana were to be...

Pharmaceutical companies are one of the biggest influences in the US economy and, subsequently, in US law. The impending...