Tag: Boeing

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Omega-3 supplements said to reduce violent behavior in children

Omega-3 supplements said to reduce violent behavior in children

“This is a promising line of research because omega-3 fatty acids are thought to improve brain health in children and adults.”

Families to receive 1 million yens per child to move out of Tokyo

Japan has the oldest society in the world, about 29% of its population being older than 65, while 15% is older than...
glass of soda

Why soda can be as addictive as drugs

Reducing or even totally eliminating soft drinks from your diet is a quick way to improve your health and lose weight. But...
world's busiest port florida

Port Canaveral became the World’s Busiest Port

The Port of Miami in Biscayne Bay, Florida, is often referred to as the "Cruise Capital of the World" due to its...

French Left On The Verge Of Dissolving Over The Middle East War

Disagreements over how to handle the Israeli-Palestinian dispute almost tore apart the left-wing coalition in France.Socialist Party (PS) members decided shortly to...