Nintendo Switch Sports free golf update coming next week

Nintendo Golf

Good news for esports enthusiasts! Nintendo finally confirmed a release date for the highly anticipated golf mode for Switch Sports.

Launched on 29th April this year, the collection of online and off-line multiplayer mini-sports games quickly became one of the best-selling Nintendo Switch games, with almost 5 million copies sold within 2 months.  

Until now, players could play 6 sports: tennis, bowling, epee, volleyball, football and badminton. The addition of golf, a long-awaited feature, will be available free of charge to base game owners from 29 November. The update offers access to 21 different holes from Wii Sports series and can be played in casual or in survival mode.

Get ready to grab that iron & step up to the tee!

The #NintendoSwitchSports Golf update will arrive on 11/28, and will include a total of 21 holes from the Wii Sports series. Swing to avoid elimination in Survival Golf, or enjoy some casual competition with friends and family!

Nintendo – Twitter

Nintendo did not offer additional information regarding this update, nor upcoming improvements, such as the addition of other sports. When compared to its predecessor Wii Sports Resort, Nintendo Switch Sports had 7 less sports available at launch. Switch Sports is the 4th game of the Wii Sports sub-series and the first to replace Wii title.