Ending Obesity Prevalence Among Students

Here's how school can help ending obesity among students

Obesity is rampant among young children because of food choices. However, a study from the University of Michigan said that these kids could still improve their health over time.

The institution’s researchers discovered that one-third of American children who were once obese during kindergarten lost weight at one point in their childhood. Meanwhile, 22 percent of the respondents achieved an average weight when they reached 8th grade.

Most children will start school in a few weeks. They will now become independent regarding their meals during lunch time. Not every parent has time to give their child a decent lunch. Therefore, they resort to handing lunch money to their kids.

This situation alarms parents because they are not there to tell their children to watch what they eat. Statistics show that children who order lunch in school consume more amounts of unhealthy fat.

Meanwhile, other expert studies showed that a third of high school students have less than one portion of vegetables in their school lunch. Their fruit intake does not also exceed two servings a day.

The school now has to take care of their students. As their second guardians, school authorities should create plans to make children eat healthier while in school.

Harvard University’s School of Public Health shared that schools should make an effort to create a healthy environment for the pupils. In connection with this, they shared some strategies that institutions could adapt to help students reduce their risk of obesity.

The department recommended that schools should limit the availability of junk food in their respective cafeterias. It added that the school authorities should increase the water supply during mealtimes.

Another tip the institution gave is to incorporate health education into their curriculum. This plan could help the kids realize the importance of eating healthy and could encourage them to make the right food choices. However, the School of Public Health warned that instilling healthy eating among children is not easy.

Concerning the matter, the Pew Research Center found effective action plans that schools use to promote health. In a study called “School Meal Programs Innovate to Improve Student Nutrition,” they listed successful eating programs that improve children’s eating habits.

One of the top strategies is incorporating a salad bar in the lunch area. The study showed that two-thirds of nutrition coordinators noticed that more kids ate increased amounts of fruits and vegetables.

The study also suggested that the authorities should let the students voice out their concerns regarding menu plans. Activities such as creating recipes and forming student committees are some of the ways that children could participate in helping their school promote healthy food choices.