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US students continue to fall behind their pees in Europe and East Asia in reading, maths and science

US students continue to fall behind their pees in Europe and East Asia in...

Global test results released Tuesday evaluating 15-year-olds’ academic performance in reading, math, and science again showed American students lagging behind their counterparts...
Samsung’s deepfake AI fabricates a motion clip of from a single photo

Samsung’s deepfake AI fabricates a motion clip of from a single photo

Believe it or not, but the new Samsung technology has even turned the Mona Lisa into a living video. But don’t worry...

New long Covid symptoms identified

Hair and libido loss are among the latest long Covid symptoms joining a plethora of other manifestations. 10% of...
Scientists Created a New Video Tool for Studying Embryos

Scientists Created a New Video Tool for Studying Embryos

We do not know exactly when along an embryo’s developmental timeline changes associated with growth such as size, shape and movement happen,...
Is Juicing Healthy For Us?

Is Juicing Healthy For Us?

Fruit juice has been said to help lose weight and “detox” our bodies, but researchers and nutritionists state that they can actually...