Tag: pisa test

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Antibiotic price drop could stop millions from developing tuberculosis

Antibiotic price drop could stop millions from developing tuberculosis

New agreement secures 66% reduction in cost of rifapentine, which prevents ‘latent’ TB from becoming active The price of...

Michael Jordan makes record donation on his 60th birthday

The Make-A-Wish Foundation that grants wishes to children with critical illnesses received its biggest donation since founded back in 1980, $10 Million...
How well do you understand cybersecurity

How Well Do You Know Cybersecurity? Survey Revealed Poor Knowledge Span Among Americans

Cybersecurity the most crucial aspect that people should think of while going online. However, most Internet users are ignorant of the issues and risks...
Special glasses may reduce sleep-disrupting effects of smartphones, study suggests

Special glasses may reduce sleep-disrupting effects of smartphones, study suggests

Wearing glasses to knock out blue light before bed can stop phones, computers and tablets from disrupting sleep, a new study suggests.
Car makers from all around the world are lining up to buy Fiat Chrysler

Global automakers are lining up to buy Fiat Chrysler

Fiat Chrysler grabbed the spotlight this week in the M&A rumor mill and some car makers have already announced that they wish...