Tag: Halley Rise

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Common joint pain treatment may be more harmful than thought

Common joint pain treatment may be more harmful than thought

One of the most popular joint pain treatments may not be as safe as experts believed, according to a new report published...
Nature's way of relaxing body to boost overall performance

Scientists Explain The Power Of Nature In Reducing Stress And Boosting Work Performance

Medication and other methods to lower stress levels exist in the market. However, researchers recommend going outdoors and exploring nature as another way to...
Why is kratom, a popular herbal supplement, receiving criticism from the FDA

Why is kratom, a popular herbal supplement, receiving criticism from the FDA

Some advocates credit the supplement with getting them off opioids, but as the supplement has surged in popularity in the U.S., safety...
Sri Lanka attacks determine ban on social media

Sri Lanka attacks determine ban on social media

Shortly after the bombings in Sri Lanka, and the spread of inaccurate stories began, the government took the drastic decision to block...

Orient Express unveils the world’s largest sailing ship

Orient Express was a luxury passenger train service that became famous for its opulent carriages and luxury amenities, and was often used...