Tag: thai chi

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India to celebrate “Cow Hug Day” instead of Valentine’s Day

In India, cows are highly regarded, especially among Hindu communities where they are considered sacred and worshipped as a symbol of wealth,...

Apple will launch SOS through satellite services in Europe

Starting December, Apple will expand its SOS via satellite service for iPhone 14 cellphones in selected areas across Europe.
Facebook sues analytics firm Rankwave over alleged data misuse

Facebook sues analytics firm Rankwave over alleged data misuse

Facebook is suing a South Korean firm it accuses of unlawfully using data to sell marketing and advertising.
Stem Cells Can Help Repair the Brain of People Suffering From Parkinson’s Disease

Can Stem Cells Help Repair the Brain of People Suffering From Parkinson’s Disease?

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) say that doctors diagnose Parkinson’s in around 50,000 people every year, and they warn that this...
Elon Musk Started Building a Tesla Gigafactory in China

Elon Musk Started Building a Tesla Gigafactory in China

The first Tesla factory ever to be built outside the US is being built in Shanghai and should be finished this summer