Tag: shoe size

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glass of soda

Why soda can be as addictive as drugs

Reducing or even totally eliminating soft drinks from your diet is a quick way to improve your health and lose weight. But...

Orient Express unveils the world’s largest sailing ship

Orient Express was a luxury passenger train service that became famous for its opulent carriages and luxury amenities, and was often used...
Nature's way of relaxing body to boost overall performance

Scientists Explain The Power Of Nature In Reducing Stress And Boosting Work Performance

Medication and other methods to lower stress levels exist in the market. However, researchers recommend going outdoors and exploring nature as another way to...
Seattle Schools Send Home Unvaccinated Students

Seattle Schools Send Home Unvaccinated Students

Wednesday was the deadline for proving compliance and nearly 800 Seattle students will be kept out of school because they aren't vaccinated...
Study suggests that some plant based compounds reduce Alzheimer symptoms in mice

Study suggests that some plant based compounds might reduce Alzheimer symptoms

A diet containing compounds found in green tea and carrots reversed Alzheimer's-like symptoms in mice genetically programmed to develop the disease, USC...