Tag: outbreak

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Taiwan becomes the first asian country to approve same-sex marriage

Taiwan becomes the first asian country to approve same-sex marriage

Taiwan's parliament legalised same-sex marriage on Friday (May 16) in a landmark first for Asia as the government survived a last-minute attempt...

Happy Lunar New Year! The Year of Rabbit kicks off

The Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year, begins today as the Year of Tiger ends and the Year...
Sri Lanka attacks determine ban on social media

Sri Lanka attacks determine ban on social media

Shortly after the bombings in Sri Lanka, and the spread of inaccurate stories began, the government took the drastic decision to block...
Samsung’s deepfake AI fabricates a motion clip of from a single photo

Samsung’s deepfake AI fabricates a motion clip of from a single photo

Believe it or not, but the new Samsung technology has even turned the Mona Lisa into a living video. But don’t worry...

Switzerland’s largest alpine solar plant operates at peak efficiency in winter

In order to maximise its green energy production in the winter months, Switzerland built a solar power plant on the Muttsee Lake...