Tag: online regulations

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Several people were injured after reports of an incident at London Bridge

Several people were injured after reports of an incident at London Bridge

Several people in London have been injured and a man has been detained, according to the U.K’s Met Police, following multiple media...
Cisco will benefits from Huawei’s fall from grace

Cisco will benefits from Huawei’s fall from grace

The trade war between the US and China has started to take its toll on one of the biggest chinese players in...

Greece tops travel preferences of French and Israeli tourists

The country welcomed up to one million foreign visitors per week during this month, according to statements from Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias.
Here's how school can help ending obesity among students

Ending Obesity Prevalence Among Students

Obesity is rampant among young children because of food choices. However, a study from the University of Michigan said that these kids could still...
Nature's way of relaxing body to boost overall performance

Scientists Explain The Power Of Nature In Reducing Stress And Boosting Work Performance

Medication and other methods to lower stress levels exist in the market. However, researchers recommend going outdoors and exploring nature as another way to...