Tag: medical treatment

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Musk’s Neuralink may start human trials in six months

Elon Musk announced Wednesday that his neurotechnology start-up, Neuralink, will be able to implant its first connected device in a human's brain...
The Google Pixel will get bigger, more regular software updates you might actually remember

The Google Pixel will get bigger, more regular software updates you might actually remember

Google recently unveiled a new part of its strategy with Pixel phones: the so-called “feature drop.” Google has bundled...

The biggest photo gallery in Africa opened in Ghana

The biggest photography library in Africa opened last week in Ghana’s capital city Accra. The Dikan Gallery houses more than 30,000 books,...
Apple Has Just Released Their Best Product in the past Years

Apple Has Just Released Their Best Product in the past Years

The new Apple AirPods Pro sound so pristine that they’re going to put every other head phones to shame.

Regular tea drinkers have more efficient and well organized brains, studies show

Drink this hot brew every day in order to help keep your brain into top gear. Research published this...