Tag: lifestyle choices

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Doctors use HIV in gene therapy to fix 'bubble boy' disease

Doctors use HIV in gene therapy to fix “bubble boy” disease

They were born without a working germ-fighting system, every infection a threat to their lives. Now eight babies with "bubble boy disease"...

Canada’s new drinking guideline limits alcohol to two drinks per week

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) published on Tuesday a new guideline that showes “drinking less is better” and...

Latvia donates confiscated cars from drunk drivers to Ukraine

Latvia the small country located in Northern Europe, once part of the Soviet Union, started a new initiative this week to hand...
Scientists pinpoint a natural compound that could work as an anti aging cure

Scientists pinpoint a natural compound that could work as an anti aging cure

There is no shortage of scientists constantly making thorough research in the field of anti-aging and searching for the key mechanisms behind...

Switzerland’s largest alpine solar plant operates at peak efficiency in winter

In order to maximise its green energy production in the winter months, Switzerland built a solar power plant on the Muttsee Lake...