Tag: financial loss

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Ukraine presidential election: Comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy wins

Ukraine presidential election: Comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy wins

He recently starred in a TV series in which he played a history teacher who is elected president after his rant about...
Trump's Senate impeachment hearings will be driven by the GOP's biggest fear

Trump’s Senate impeachment hearings will be driven by the GOP’s biggest fear

Republicans have toadied to Trump since the day he took office, and in doing so, have left themselves with no room to...

Universal and Deutsche Grammophon launch streaming service for classical music

The world’s oldest record label, Deutsche Grammophon, owned by Universal Music Group has launched a classical music subscription service, called Stage+.
The industry officials fear that Britain faces food shortages in no-deal Brexit scenario

The industry officials fear that Britain faces food shortages in no-deal Brexit scenario

Britain's food and drink lobby warns that the country will experience shortages of some fresh foods for weeks or even months if...
Alzheimer's disease research is evolving at an amazing speed

Alzheimer’s disease research is going to evolve at an amazing rate on this 13th...

On the 13th of April, we’ll all take part of an amazing event, were crowdsourcing science is going to show its true...