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Greta Thunberg admonishes leaders as U.N. climate summit fails to deliver action

Greta Thunberg admonishes leaders as U.N. climate summit fails to deliver action

Dozens of world leaders touted their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the United Nations Climate Action Summit on Monday, but...

Michael Jordan makes record donation on his 60th birthday

The Make-A-Wish Foundation that grants wishes to children with critical illnesses received its biggest donation since founded back in 1980, $10 Million...

Greta Thunberg detained for second time by German police

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish environmental activist who gained international recognition for her work in promoting action against climate change, was detained yesterday...

Swiss luxury train crossing the Alps can jump rail tracks

A new rail service, awaited for more than 100 years, started last week in Switzerland. The GoldenPass train crosses the Alps, connecting...
Federal judge rules gun magazine ban as unconstitutional

Federal judge rules gun magazine ban as unconstitutional

He called the law that would have banned possessing any magazines holding more than 10 bullets unconstitutional. In a...