Tag: court appearance

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Ukraine presidential election: Comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy wins

Ukraine presidential election: Comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy wins

He recently starred in a TV series in which he played a history teacher who is elected president after his rant about...

Influencer Andrew Tate arrested in Romania because of an ‘unrecycled pizza box’

Andrew Tate was arrested last night on suspicion of human trafficking, rape, and forming an organised crime group, in Romania, where he...

YouTube started monetising Shorts

YouTube Shorts, the feature on the video sharing platform YouTube that allows users to create and share short, 15-seconds or less, videos...

Marie Kondo, “Queen of Clean” has a messy home

Marie Kondo, the Japanese organising consultant and author that inspired many people around the world to organise and declutter their homes, has...
Bad diets are killing more people globally than smoking

Bad diets are killing more people globally than smoking

Recent studies have found that making healthier food choices and drinking better could prevent one in five deaths. Unhealthy diets are responsible...