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Volkswagen agrees to pay the US $1.2 billion fine for cheating on diesel emissions tests

Volkswagen agrees to pay the US $1.2 billion fine for cheating on diesel emissions...

German automaker Volkswagen saw its profit slip in the first quarter as the company set aside 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) for...
Pinterest shares soar in stock market debut

Pinterest shares soar in stock market debut

Shares in online scrapbook company Pinterest surged more than 28% on its first day of trading, valuing the firm at about $16bn...
Instagram blocks '#VaccinesKill' hashtag after receiving some reports but it’s not good enough

Instagram blocks “#VaccinesKill” hashtag after receiving some reports but it’s not good enough

Instagram said Thursday it will now block additional hashtags that surface vaccine misinformation, but other hashtags and content promoted by anti-vaccination accounts...
Cisco will benefits from Huawei’s fall from grace

Cisco will benefits from Huawei’s fall from grace

The trade war between the US and China has started to take its toll on one of the biggest chinese players in...

Canada’s new drinking guideline limits alcohol to two drinks per week

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) published on Tuesday a new guideline that showes “drinking less is better” and...