Tag: champions

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Sri Lanka attacks determine ban on social media

Sri Lanka attacks determine ban on social media

Shortly after the bombings in Sri Lanka, and the spread of inaccurate stories began, the government took the drastic decision to block...
Whirlpool washing machine danger revealed as recall launched

Whirlpool washing machine danger revealed as recall launched

Half a million washing machines in UK homes are to be recalled, plunging manufacturer Whirlpool into a fresh saga over dangerous appliances.

This year’s best Christmas Markets

Christmas markets originated in the Middle Ages and have since become a popular tradition all over the world. Nowadays, many big cities...
An Alleged Wildlife Trafficking Kingpin Evaded Prosecution

An Alleged Wildlife Trafficking Kingpin Evaded Prosecution

Bach Mai was arrested back in January 2018 in connection with US$1 million worth of rhino horns smuggled from Africa to Thailand....

Drinking two litres of water daily is excessive, new study shows

Public awareness campaigns promoting a healthy lifestyle urge us to drink at least 2 litres/ 8 glasses of water a day. According...